From The EFF
The Department of Defense has released more than 800 heavily-redacted pages of intelligence oversight reports, detailing activities that its Inspector General has “reason to believe are unlawful.” The reports are the latest in an ongoing document release by more than a half-dozen intelligence agencies in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by EFF in July 2009.
The reports, submitted to the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) by various Department of Defense components, cover the period from 2001 through 2008. The IOB’s role within the Executive Office of the President is to ensure that each component of the intelligence community works within the Constitution and all applicable laws. As such, the Inspector General of each intelligence agency is required to submit periodic reports to the IOB, which in turn is required to forward to the Attorney General any report identifying an intelligence activity that violates the law. Intelligence oversight reporting is rarely disclosed to the public.
This new release, from various Defense components including the Army and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, comes in four parts, see here. Much of the reported improper activity consisted of intelligence gathering on so-called “U.S. Persons,” including citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based organizations. Although Defense agencies are generally prohibited from collecting such information (except as part of foreign intelligence or counter-intelligence activity), it is apparent from the unredacted reports released to EFF that some DoD components have had chronic difficulty complying with that prohibition.
Some specific items of interest include:
According to the release schedule ordered by a federal judge last December, we expect to receive additional IOB reports from the CIA, National Security Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Defense later this month. We will post the documents to our website as we receive them.
Related Issues: FOIA Litigation for Accountable Government
Related Cases: FOIA: Intelligence Agencies’ Misconduct Reports
The feds are using grant moneys to bribe all sorts of state agencies, form law enforcement to our schools systems and local governments, and also they are using huge bonuses given to their billionaire criminal class that can influence elections. But the truth is that they are all bankrupt. There is no value to their money that they print to bribe and to steal elections. So why do we accept their money at all? I think that the people would do well to declare the US currency to be void and worthless, cause it is killing us.
The dollars that they give for bribery with federal grants, they create out of nothing. It has no value. The US citizens need to declare it worthless and therefore eliminate its corrupting influence. Find another way to exchange things you need and declare the dollar to be worthless.
Another way to keep the billionaire criminal class from taking over our country by printing dollars without any backing, we need to make the US Congress reduce the borrowing and the creating of money from nothing. We need to force the Congress to drastically cut the US budget, to stop borrowing from the Federal reserve crooks, to help retain the value of our currency. This will force them to cut funding grants which bribe our schools, bribe our law enforcement, and corrupt our elections.