Third MIAC Hearing, testimony Catherine Bleish
Third MIAC Hearing, testimony Kevin Kobe
LRP thrown out of Governor Nixon’s office for requesting appointment regarding MIAC Report
Lt Governor Kinder Responds to MIAC Controversial Report
MIAC Power Point: What is MIAC
By Harley Geiger Created 04/01/2009 - 4:40pm 4/1/2009 Author: Harley Geiger [1] Security & Surveillance [2] Terrorism Information Sharing [3] Grandchildren: Domestic Intelligence [4] Fusion Center [5] ISE [6] Last week, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (the Missouri fusion center) retracted [7] a report entitled “The Modern Militia Movement [8]” which said that support for [...]
The director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said there is a constant balancing act between the basic rights of Americans and the need to investigate and prevent crime. A controversial aspect to 21st Century crime fighting is the development of “fusion centers” across the country. In fact, the OSBI created such a center [...]