Due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) put into law in 1994, Congress is working against the people and sovereignty of our States and Nation through the funding of non-profit organizations. North American SuperCorridor Coalition’s goal is to improve the existing highways, freight lines, and canals in order to stretch transportation from the very base of Mexico, through the Heartland of the United States (Kansas City), and branching across Canada. Through improving our current infrastructure, NASCO is working with Lockheed Martin to implement a freight tracking system claimed to add security of containers coming into the United States. Unrelated to NASCO and to also further the North American Police State; Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians must worry about the international non-profit organization known as Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). CVSA is comprised of local, state, provincial, territorial and federal motor carrier safety officials and industry representatives from the United States, Canada, and Mexico (AKA Police Officers).
Third MIAC Hearing, testimony Catherine Bleish
LRP thrown out of Governor Nixon’s office for requesting appointment regarding MIAC Report
Lt Governor Kinder Responds to MIAC Controversial Report
TEW-Related Agencies LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNTIES * Franklin County Sheriff's Department (MO) * Jefferson County Sheriff's Department (MO) * Madison County Sheriff's Department (IL) * Monroe County Sheriff's Department (IL) * * St. Charles County Sheriff's Department (MO) * St. Clair County Sheriff's Department (IL) * St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department St. Louis County Police Department [...]
Who Should Participate? Both corporate and government personnel should be part of this advisory system. Anyone who is responsible for the protection of a company or agency's security (physical, and/or information). This includes Directors of Security, Chief Information Officers, and others who are responsible for ensuring that business operations continue uninterrupted. Government agencies and the [...]
COUNTER TERRORISM AWARENESS FOR THE LINE OFFICER: FOCUSING ON LAW ENFORCEMENT INTELLIGENCE CMPA - Wellston, MO Event Date: Thursday, 01/28/10 Event Description: This excellent training is a derivative of the State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) Program, developed by BJA funding, in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, by the Institute for Intergovernmental Research, [...]
Fusion Centers Should Be Dismantled, Expert Says By Matthew Harwood 04/02/2009 - A constitutional and international lawyer told lawmakers yesterday that the United States should dismantle state-run intelligence fusion centers, which have grown dramatically since 9-11 with the assistance of the federal government. Police and federal officials defended fusion centers and described measures being taken [...]