The Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center Where analysis is central * Deborah Osborne * 2009 Feb 12 As Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano assumes her leadership role as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, we can rest assured that good intelligence analysis will be one of her priorities. The Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (AcTIC) [...]
Secure Flight is a behind the scenes program that enhances the security of domestic and international commercial air travel through the use of improved watch list matching. By collecting additional passenger data, it will improve the travel experience for all airline passengers, including those who have been misidentified in the past. When passengers travel, they [...]
The director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said there is a constant balancing act between the basic rights of Americans and the need to investigate and prevent crime. A controversial aspect to 21st Century crime fighting is the development of “fusion centers” across the country. In fact, the OSBI created such a center [...]
Sunday, December 13, 2009 My Experience with Homeland Security Part 2 Since my last article on my first hand experience in the training I received through Homeland Security ( see article) I have heard from many people, with both positive and negative responses. Many are thankful that someone came out and exposed the truth, others [...]
Liberty Restoration Project in Kansas City Responds to the MIAC Militia Report by Mohusk Daily Paul Mon, Mar 16th, 2009 12:00:00 am MISSOURI LIBERTY GROUP RESPONDS TO MIAC MILITIA REPORT The Liberty Restoration Project (www.libertyretorationproject.org), a Kansas City-based political education organization has begun to implement a strategy in response to a Missouri Information Analysis Center [...]
Cyber Challenge Help US Locate Top Hacker Talent Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:28 AM The Cyber Challenge organizers say the competition is aimed at identifying young people with exceptional computer skills and inspiring them to join the country’s understaffed ranks of cybersecurity specialists needed to protect systems used by the military, industry and everyday people. [...]
The new Democratic Congress continues moving forward on a 9/11 commission bill, part of Speaker Pelosi’s so-called 100-hour drive, with the Senate passing its version on Tuesday. Part of that bill includes increased funding for state and local intelligence centers, often referred to in sexy anti-terrorism parlance as ‘fusion centers.’ States have long complained that [...]
In a Privacy Impact Assessment released publicly this week, the Department of Homeland Security's Privacy Office outlines the measures in place to ensure that “fusion centers” created to facilitate information sharing between law enforcement and intelligence agencies respect privacy rights. “Despite these efforts,” the report concludes, “the Privacy Office has identified a number of risks [...]
Fusion Centers Author: Eben Kaplan February 22, 2007 Introduction In the early morning hours of September 9, 2001, a Maryland State Trooper made a routine traffic stop, pulling over a car headed north on I-95 and issuing a speeding ticket. Two days later, the driver of that car, Ziad Jarrah was one of four hijackers [...]