In a Privacy Impact Assessment released publicly this week, the Department of Homeland Security's Privacy Office outlines the measures in place to ensure that “fusion centers” created to facilitate information sharing between law enforcement and intelligence agencies respect privacy rights. “Despite these efforts,” the report concludes, “the Privacy Office has identified a number of risks [...]
Fusion Center Dialogue Continues By Joseph Straw 04/21/2009 - Members of the private task force that has helped guide post-9-11 information sharing efforts addressed lawmakers Tuesday, agreeing with civil libertarians that more must be done to protect privacy amid the effort to detect terrorist plots. Zoë Baird, president of the nonprofit Markle Foundation and co-chair [...]
Iowa’s intelligence fusion center ‘connects the dots’ Director says federal funding, civil liberties are key to post-9/11 success By Jason Hancock 7/29/08 7:55 AM DES MOINES — On the third floor of an unnamed building in the shadow of the state Capitol sits the Iowa Intelligence Fusion Center, an organization tasked with helping to stop [...]
Fusion Centers Should Be Dismantled, Expert Says By Matthew Harwood 04/02/2009 - A constitutional and international lawyer told lawmakers yesterday that the United States should dismantle state-run intelligence fusion centers, which have grown dramatically since 9-11 with the assistance of the federal government. Police and federal officials defended fusion centers and described measures being taken [...]