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<blockquote>Since no two fusion centers are alike, it is difficult to make generalized statements about them. Clearly not all fusion centers are engaging in improper intelligence activities and not all fusion center operations raise civil liberties or privacy concerns. But some do, and the lack of a proper legal framework to regulate their activities is [...]
The director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said there is a constant balancing act between the basic rights of Americans and the need to investigate and prevent crime. A controversial aspect to 21st Century crime fighting is the development of “fusion centers” across the country. In fact, the OSBI created such a center [...]
The new Democratic Congress continues moving forward on a 9/11 commission bill, part of Speaker Pelosi’s so-called 100-hour drive, with the Senate passing its version on Tuesday. Part of that bill includes increased funding for state and local intelligence centers, often referred to in sexy anti-terrorism parlance as ‘fusion centers.’ States have long complained that [...]
In a secretive operation that is alarming civil-liberties advocates, 18 civilian analysts examine criminal data and 23 intelligence officers — State Police troopers who have the power to arrest — work in the field. Raytheon Co. won a $2.2 million contract to develop intelligence-sharing software for the state that aims to integrate databases and help [...]
Fusion Center Encourages Improper Investigations Of Lobbying Groups And Anti-War Activists February 25, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (202) 675-2312; media@dcaclu.org WASHINGTON – A Texas fusion center's “Prevention Awareness Bulletin” made public last night is the latest example of inappropriate police intelligence operations targeting political, religious and social activists for investigation. The North Central Texas [...]
Different missions and different mixes of manpower make each center unique.”If you've seen one fusion center — you've seen one fusion center,” says Jack Tomarchio, former deputy director of intelligence for the Department of Homeland Security, who oversaw the development of most of the country's state fusion centers during the Bush Administration. Tomarchio says the [...]