Why you should care about 9/11
Okay I just have to make one comment - be sure to read the VERY LAST sentense that this blog has copied from the FBI website (scrolle down). Catherine __________________________ For those of us in law enforcement, September 11 was one of those milestones. It changed all of us personally. It changed America. And it [...]
The new Democratic Congress continues moving forward on a 9/11 commission bill, part of Speaker Pelosi’s so-called 100-hour drive, with the Senate passing its version on Tuesday. Part of that bill includes increased funding for state and local intelligence centers, often referred to in sexy anti-terrorism parlance as ‘fusion centers.’ States have long complained that [...]
In a Privacy Impact Assessment released publicly this week, the Department of Homeland Security's Privacy Office outlines the measures in place to ensure that “fusion centers” created to facilitate information sharing between law enforcement and intelligence agencies respect privacy rights. “Despite these efforts,” the report concludes, “the Privacy Office has identified a number of risks [...]
Fusion Centers Author: Eben Kaplan February 22, 2007 Introduction In the early morning hours of September 9, 2001, a Maryland State Trooper made a routine traffic stop, pulling over a car headed north on I-95 and issuing a speeding ticket. Two days later, the driver of that car, Ziad Jarrah was one of four hijackers [...]
Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center The Mission of the Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center is to collect, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence data regarding criminal and terrorist activity in the State of Indiana while following Fair Information Practices to ensure the rights and privacy of citizens. Monte McKee, Executive Director 317.233.9461 Following the events of September [...]
About this Workshop: Following the terrorist attacks on September 11th, multiple commissions and the Federal Government determined that one of the critical factors that led to the attacks was the inability of federal, state, local and other law enforcement activities to collect, analyze and disseminate intelligence information. It is widely accepted that the indicators were [...]
Fusion Center Dialogue Continues By Joseph Straw 04/21/2009 - Members of the private task force that has helped guide post-9-11 information sharing efforts addressed lawmakers Tuesday, agreeing with civil libertarians that more must be done to protect privacy amid the effort to detect terrorist plots. Zoë Baird, president of the nonprofit Markle Foundation and co-chair [...]
Policing Terrorism Report No. 2 September 2007 State Fusion Center Processes and Procedures: Best Practices and Recommendations by John Rollins and Timothy Connors, Director, Center for Policing Terrorism About the Authors John Rollins is the lead author of this report. Mr. Rollins is a member of the Library of Congress’s Congressional Research Service (CRS), where [...]
Fusion Center Encourages Improper Investigations Of Lobbying Groups And Anti-War Activists February 25, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: (202) 675-2312; media@dcaclu.org WASHINGTON – A Texas fusion center's “Prevention Awareness Bulletin” made public last night is the latest example of inappropriate police intelligence operations targeting political, religious and social activists for investigation. The North Central Texas [...]