Last night Operation Defuse had a great benefit show to kickoff my northwest fusion center tour. We raised $350 towards the trip, and got information out about fusion centers to a lot of people who didn’t know what a fusion center was. I’m leaving tomorrow morning to start the first leg of the tour, but [...]
Operation Defuse 03/11/10 6:00 PM - 03/11/10 8:00 PM Location: Pikesville Branch, Baltimore County Public Library 1301 Reisterstown Road Baltimore, MD 21208 Description: On September 17, 2001, the U.S. Attorney General directed each U.S. Attorney to establish an Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council. By 2006, over 225 agencies had joined the Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council of Maryland. They [...]
OK Fusion Tour scheduled Jan 11 10 am-limited to 10 attendees- Cath and John are on the list Myself Sen Brogdon and a couple of assistants Amanda Tee waiting on confirmation from some reps….. Thanks! Kaye RSVP Here: http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?new&gid=216328553870&step=2&eid=245376368825#/event.php?eid=245376368825&ref=mf
Activist Training - Operation Defuse Host: Operation Defuse .com Type: Education - Workshop Network: Global Date: Monday, January 11, 2010 Time: 6:45pm - 9:00pm Location: Belle Isle Library Street: 5501 N Villa Ave Description The Liberty Restoration Project and Texans for Accountable Government are teamed up with thousands of volunteers across the country to demand [...]