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Estimated Total Expense: 2827.99
1. Travel: $577.99
2. Room/ Board: $0
3. Food $500
4. Events $350
5. Bills $600
6. Promotion $0
7. Printing (reports)$500
8. Internet Aircard $200
9. GPS $100

1. LRP to donate $500
2. TAG to match $500
3. Springfield ODF speech $261
2. Anonymous $250
3. B.D. to donate $200
4. Michael Badnarik $100
1. Cissy Leiblong $100

Travel $577.99 (still need to ad TX tour)

Drive to KC Total Travel Estimate: 3 hours 58 minutes / 249.47 miles Fuel Cost: $24.52 at 25 MPG

Drive to OKC Total Travel Estimate: 7 hours 34 minutes / 498.93 miles Fuel Cost: $49.52 at 25 MPG

Drive to Austin Total Travel Estimate: 6 hours 12 minutes / 388.13 miles Fuel Cost: $39.35 at 25 MPG

Drive to TX area fusion centers

Drive to Phoenix Total Travel Estimate: 14 hours 21 minutes / 1009.16 miles Fuel Cost: $103.42 at 25 MPG

Drive to Santa Fe Total Travel Estimate: 7 hours 30 minutes / 479.43 miles Fuel Cost: $49.86 at 25 MPG

Drive to OKC Total Travel Estimate: Total Travel Estimate: 7 hours 58 minutes / 534.70 miles Fuel Cost: $55.02 at 25 MPG

Drive to NOLA Total Travel Estimate: 11 hours 22 minutes / 726.09 miles Fuel Cost: $72.59 at 25 MPG

Drive to Atlanta Total Travel Estimate: 7 hours 12 minutes / 467.57 miles Fuel Cost: $48.25 at 25 MPG

Drive to Montgomery, AL Total Travel Estimate: 2 hours 33 minutes / 160.49 miles Fuel Cost: $16.77 at 25 MPG

Drive to Jackson, MS Total Travel Estimate: 5 hours 51 minutes / 382.02 miles Fuel Cost: $39.01 at 25 MPG

Drive to Houston Total Travel Estimate: 6 hours 54 minutes / 441.00 miles Fuel Cost: $44.06 at 25 MPG

Drive to Austin Total Travel Estimate: 2 hours 45 minutes / 165.40 miles Fuel Cost: $16.94 at 25 MPG

Drive to StL Total Travel Estimate: 13 hours 11 minutes / 826.79 miles Fuel Cost: $83.31 at 25 MPG

Round Trip Total: Total Travel Estimate: 90 hours 6 minutes / 5859.55 miles Fuel Cost: $577.99 at 25 MPG

2. Room $0

Goal = FREE

3. Food $500

This is just a rough guess - I am good with pb&honey for a few weeks

4. Events $350

C4L regional conference

5. Bills back home$600

John = 600

6. Promotion

I suggest using existing networks (tea parties, etc..) and online promotions. Any extra funds should go to facebook.

7. Printing (reports)$500