The term “North American Union” was created in response to two things:
1. The Council on Foreign Relations’ report entitled “Building a North American Community.”
2. The adoption of Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
President Barack Obama, left, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, right, and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, center, at the North American Leader's Summit at the Cabanas Cultural Center in Guadalajara, Monday, August 10, 2009. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
Both items center on how America is to correspond with Mexico and Canada in order to “improve cooperative efforts among the three countries in areas related to economic prosperity and the protection of the environment, the food supply, and public health.” There has yet to be a signed treaty or document, signifying the final step in becoming what is dubbed “The North American Union.” However due to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) put into law in 1994, Congress is working against the people and sovereignty of our States and Nation through the funding of non-profit organizations.
First is the non-profit organization known as North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO). “Since 1994, North America’s Corridor Coalition members have been leaders at the forefront of uniting public AND private sectors to address critical national and international trade, transportation, security and environmental issues. Spanning almost 2,500 hundred miles through the central United States, eastern and central Canada, and deep into Mexico, the NASCO trade corridor is a multi-modal transportation network that connects 71 million people and supports a large part of $1 trillion dollars in total commerce between the three nations.” http://www.nascocorridor.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73&Itemid=101
NASCO conference in Iowa. The 2011 NASCO Conference heads to KANSAS CITY. The 2011 NASCO Conference will be a ONE day meeting on Wednesday, May 18th. NASCO will market to its members along the mid-continent corridor and especially in Mexico and Canada. For more information on Futurallia KC 2011, visit www.futuralliaKc2011.com
NASCO’s goal is to improve the existing highways, freight lines, and canals in order to stretch transportation from the very base of Mexico, through the Heartland of the United States (Kansas City), and branching across Canada. “NASCO is devoted to uniting public AND private sectors to address critical national and international trade, transportation, security and environmental issues.” Dennis Moore, Emanuel Cleaver, Sam Graves, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Pete Sessions, Kenny Marchant, Henry Bonilla, Henry Cuellar, Tom Latham, Kay Granger, and Michael Burgess were the NASCO SuperCorridor Caucus for Capitol Hill in 2006 as presented in this Security and Prosperity Partnership PowerPoint Presentation.
Through improving our current infrastructure, NASCO is working with Lockheed-Martin to implement a freight tracking system claimed to add security of containers coming into the United States. Due to the claim of improving safety, NAFTRACS (information provided later) was allowed federal grants.
CUSTOMER BASE: As a global security and information technology company, the majority of Lockheed Martin’s business is with the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. federal government agencies. In fact, Lockheed Martin is the largest provider of IT services, systems integration, and training to the U.S. Government. The remaining portion of Lockheed Martin’s business is comprised of international government and some commercial sales of our products, services and platforms.
ORGANIZATION: Lockheed Martin’s operating units are organized into broad business areas.
Aeronautics, with approximately $12.2 billion in 2009 sales, includes tactical aircraft, airlift, and aeronautical research and development lines of business.
Electronic Systems, with approximately $12.2 billion in 2009 sales, includes missiles and fire control, naval systems, platform integration, simulation and training and energy programs lines of business.
Information Systems & Global Solutions (IS&GS), with approximately $12.1 billion in 2009 sales, includes C4I, federal services, government and commercial IT solutions.
Space Systems, with approximately $8.6 billion in 2009 sales, includes space launch, commercial satellites, government satellites, and strategic missiles lines of business.
FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: The Corporation reported 2009 sales of $45.2 billion, a backlog of $78 billion, and cash flow from operations of $3.2 billion.
Back to NASCO:
The Goal of NASCO is to provide adequate tracking devices along the highway system for international companies to place RFID chips on all items being transported within the corridor so international communities and businesses are aware of the exact location of items at all times. The following is from this link:
Transportation Efficiency and Security
NASCO’s experience in researching and developing leading edge information technology and software applications is significant. Over the years, the nonprofit has partnered and worked with some of the most outstanding companies operating in the industry across North America.
In April 2009, NASCO concluded a two-year study on a pilot project called NAFTRACS (North American Facilitation of Transportation, Trade, Reduced Congestion and Security), a research and development program to test advanced freight tracking technologies along the 2,480-mile (3,991 kilometers) corridor and their benefits to both the public and private sectors.
A NASCO effort secured two Congressional R&D grants, totaling about $1.8 million, overseen by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to fund the pilot. The pilot project Team consisted of project manager Lockheed Martin Co. and two additional technology partners - OnAsset Intelligence of Irving, Texas and GeoDecisions of Pennsylvania, a provider of worldwide logistics support to the U.S. Defense Department.
Major trucking companies and shippers took part in the pilot program and the international cargo tracking and tracing project was completed and submitted to the U.S. DOT in the summer of 2009.
The program was viewed as providing a highly valuable model and example of a hybrid public-private cargo tracking system that would benefit multiple U.S. states, Mexico and Canada through near real-time reporting of cargo movements through the heartland of North America.
Immediately following NAFTRACS, the U.S. DOT and FHWA partnered with NASCO to collaborate again on an information technology-driven development program that could greatly increase safety and security at key major metropolitan areas along the NASCO Corridor.
The Cross-Town Improvement Program (C-TIP) is an effort by the FHWA to work with industry to reduce unnecessary short-haul truck trips across urban areas.
The C-TIP project does this by collecting and disseminating information on short-haul congestion, expanding the capacity of existing transportation infrastructure, and reducing negative fuel emissions from freight movements. NASCO is working with C-TIP to promote the program in other urban areas along its corridor.
In the C-TIP pilot project in Kansas City, by surfacing information from trucking, rail, warehousing and distribution operations, shippers and others, the FHWA and the project aim to cut unnecessary, cross-town, short-haul truck trips by as much as 40 percent, which would reduce carbon emissions by the same percent in the metro region of Kansas City, MO.
While NASCO is not receiving federal funding for its efforts related to C-TIP, it is actively promoting the C-TIP concept as “a best practice” for study and possible adoption by other major, urban transport hubs along the NASCO Corridor.
The North American Inland Port Network (NAIPN) is a committee of NASCO that exists to advocate for the interests of Inland Ports (or intermodal transportation facilities) along the NASCO Corridor in the three nations of North America. It is considered the leading inland port trade association in North America.
NAIPN was founded in 2003 by NASCO members in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to unite growing numbers of Inland Ports along the tri-national NASCO Corridor and to provide a business development forum for the inland ports.
NAIPN supports NASCO’s mission to strengthen and secure the multi-modal trade and transportation corridor system and to identify and disseminate best practices affecting these juggernauts of economic development, investment and job creation within North America. NAIPN acts to expand job creation and raise public awareness of inland ports’ integral role in economic development and trade.
Through this Johnson County, Kansas Website: studies, layouts, and planning are detailed in restructuring the I-435/I-35/K-10 interchange. This is the Heart of the Super Corridor. Construction begins in 2012 [an interesting year to begin such tasks, I would add].
Unrelated to NASCO and to also further the North American Police State; Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians must worry about the international non-profit organization known as Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). CVSA is comprised of local, state, provincial, territorial and federal motor carrier safety officials and industry representatives from the United States, Canada, and Mexico (AKA Police Officers). 1980 marked the beginning of this organization through informal meetings. Over the years CVSA has gained prominence from the United States, Canada, and Mexico as becoming one of the main inspectors of commercial vehicles and busses. CVSA is both privately and, since 1994, federally funded. CVSA is currently pushing Congress to change laws and increase funding.
The Kansas Highway Patrol is the State of Kansas host agency for CVSA. Located at 1220 S. Enterprise Street, Olathe, KS 66061, Troop A is responsible for Johnson, Wyandotte, Leavenworth, and Miami counties. Furthermore, CVSA’s Cooperative Hazardous Materials Enforcement Department (COHMED) National Chairman, Rex Railsback, is also stationed at this location. I would not have known about this organization if it weren’t for seeing the following picture in the back window of a police vehicle at a very populated, local event:
Commercial Vehicle Service Alliance Logo
In conclusion, our country’s sovereignty is under attack due to Congress and private companies funding non-profit organizations with international goals involving Canada, United States, and Mexico. The “North American Union” is not in existence, however we are quickly marching toward a Fascist Corpocracy.
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people…they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” - Thomas Jefferson
That’s great that you have been involved for so long. I just found out about defuse only yesterday and I’m already really interested. However, it seems many people are afraid to speak up. Could it be possible that showing up at those meetings unless accompanied by a large group of activists (where the homeland security people are) make you susceptible to ‘terrorist’ listing.
Maybe, I could be wrong, especially if you walked in like a government fan and wanted to do some report for your school or college about the wonders of their latest research and was just taking notes.
I think they’re are many ways it’s been done. Though i’m sure you guys have your own way of doing it and genius-ly so but at some point when they began to exponentially force their Big Brother way of life on as many people as possible it’s only a matter of time (bleh sorry for preaching to the choir) before full on rebellion. Maybe the words civil unrest could do the statement better justice.
oops i forgot to add that..even if you went in as a group, I’m PREtty sure they will categorize you as a threat to the government. What happens though if everyone was doing the activism though. Or if it was happening actively to a college and most students stopped going as some kind of protest as they attended those meetings all around…
I’m open to the truth It’s just sad that most people are in denial and when you try to tell them they don’t want to hear it.
ONE last thing.
Personally I’m not in the least bit shaken by what the government can do to me. I would give my whole life to an organization that wanted to fight for an actually meaningful cause. Cointelpro, CIA, and Homeland Security can take it ** the ***.
Great work, Jeff. Keep bringing awareness to this issue. These things have to be covered!