From The Washington Post — The Obama administration is seeking to make it easier for the FBI to compel companies to turn over records of an individual’s Internet activity without a court order if agents deem the information relevant to a terrorism or intelligence investigation. The administration wants to add just four words — “electronic [...]
From My Way News WASHINGTON (AP) - Under fire from civil liberties groups, the FBI is defending domestic surveillance guidelines that critics fear could unfairly target innocent Muslims in terrorism and other criminal investigations. “It’s quite an invasive data collection system,” said Farhana Khera, executive director of the nonprofit group Muslim Advocates. “It’s based on [...]
From a statement of Caroline Frederickson, Director of the ACLU’s DC Legislative Office, given to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, April 21, 2009: Improving information sharing sounds like a fine goal in the abstract, but increasing the government’s authority to collect and disseminate personally identifiable information about Americans in the absence of reasonable suspicion [...]
Over the past three years, federal, state, and local officials1 have worked tirelessly to ensure that robust privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties protections are integrated into fusion center policies and business processes. These efforts have included developing Baseline Capabilities2 and model privacy policy templates and providing training and subject-matter expertise to fusion centers. The [...]
Ben and Kathy were on Truth A to Z on May 23rd, 2010. Here’s the entire show: Truth A to Z
From The Telegraph UK Two police forces have begun trialling the sophisticated programme, which has echoes of the Tom Cruise film Minority Report, where psychics are used to stop criminals before they commit a crime. The system, known as Crush (Criminal Reduction Utilising Statistical History) evaluates crime records, intelligence briefings, offender profiles and even weather [...]
From Public Intelligence Risk Management Division 2 pages For Official Use Only September 13, 2006 The United States has more than 46,000 shopping malls nationwide, ranging in size from small open-air neighborhood “strip” shopping centers containing fewer than 10,000 square feet (ft2) of store area to super-regional malls with more than 1 million ft2. Terrorist [...]
Law Enforcement Spying Guide 2009 Edition
From Public Intelligence SEARCH Anniversary: The Next 40 years 13 pages For Official Use Only November 2009 (10.2 MB) Technology will undoubtedly continue to radically change how crimes are committed and policed Increased sophistication and “boundaryless” characteristics of crimes pose new challenges – “Criminal and terrorist networks of the information age will be able to [...]
The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. These [...]