I just got emailed the privacy policy and concept of operations for the 4 RTTAC centers in California. I am still trying to get a hold of a memorandum of understanding from any center, and I hope to have one up soon. California STTAS Signed Privacy Policy California STTAS Concept of Operations
The TITAN fusion center gave me a copy of their privacy policy if I made it very clear that this is an old copy. So I will state this right now, they no longer use this version of the privacy policy. They don’t have a final version yet, so they won’t let the public see [...]
Here is the charter for the WSFC in Seattle, Washington.
On May 14th, Kathy and I, as members of Operation Defuse were allowed to tour the Washington State Fusion Center and ask them questions regarding their privacy policy. We already uploaded the power point the staff gave us. We weren’t allowed to film or audio record, so we are trying to keep our analysis as [...]
MAY 27th we show up en masse at the Austin City Council Meeting or we and all of Austin suffers the consequences. Big Brother Surveillance Fusion Center Force-Fed To Austin W/O Valid Privacy Policy
Today we met with the Washington State Fusion Center in Seattle. Here is a powerpoint that they prepared for us. We weren’t allowed to film or record in our meeting, but we did take notes which will be posted in a later blog.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Here is part 2 of our recap of the visit with Lance Clem of the Colorado Information Analysis Center.