Policing Protest: The NYPD's Republican National Convention Documents
This page archives New York Police Department intelligence documents that pertain to the policing of protest activity before and during the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City.
Documents Released May 16, 2007
An index of political groups mentioned in the documents is available here (PDF).
* Document set 1 of 5 (Bates Stamp Nos. 102515-102639)
* Document set 2 of 5 (Bates Stamp Nos. 102640-102747)
* Document set 3 of 5 (Bates Stamp Nos. 102748-102890)
* Document set 4 of 5 (Bates Stamp Nos. 102891-103021)
* Document set 5 of 5 (Bates Stamp Nos. 103022-103117)
* Judge Francis's decision is available here (PDF).
* Another organization, I-Witness Video, has deployed software that can search the documents. To use that search engine, visit I-Witness Video's website by clicking here.
Documents Released February 21, 2007
General Overview Documents
* NYPD Executive Summary – This document provides a general overview of the NYPD's planning for the Convention. (7079-7152)
* Scheduled RNC Events - This document lists events scheduled to take place during the Convention (15968-15973)
* Unscheduled RNC Events – This document lists events that were not publicly scheduled but that the NYPD expected to take place. (15974-15980)
* Major Events - This document lists major events the NYPD expected to take place during the Convention. (10575-10576)
Legal and Training Materials
* NYPD Legal Guidelines for RNC (3-10-04) – This document was created by the NYPD's Legal Bureau and sets out the legal standards that were supposed to govern the Department's activity during the Convention. (No Bates number)
* Legal Matters Presentation – This is a Powerpoint presentation that sets out the legal standards for police officers during the Convention. (14331-14401)
* NYPD Student Guide - Maintaining Public Order - This document contains legal and policy guidelines for police officers. (8222-8257)
* Cuffing from the Hammer Lock-Flex Cuffs (May 2004)- This document spells out the standards for the use of plastic handcuffs (known as “flex cuffs”). (9572-9578)
* Double Cuff – Introduction – This document contains guidelines about the use of plastic handcuffs (known as “flex cuffs”). (9564-9571)
Mass-Arrest Information
* NYPD RNC Mass Arrest Processing Plan (8-05-04) - This document sets out the basic mass-arrest process that would take place during the Convention. (10026-10044)
* MACC Daily Briefing Sheet for 8-31-04 - This document identifies the number of people arrested a various locations on August 31, 2004. (7196)
* RNC Arrest Worksheet – This document provides statistical information about the number of people arrested for various offenses during the Convention. (14001-14002)
* RNC Arrest-to-Arraignment Charts – These charts provide information about the length of time it took to arraign people arrested during the Convention and compares those times with the arrest-to-arraignment times for people arrested at the same time for unlawful conduct unrelated to the Convention. (15281-15283)
* RNC No-Summons Memo (5-04-04) - This document notes that the NYPD will not issue any summonses during the Convention. This policy decision was made so that the Department could fingerprint every persons arrested at Convention demonstrations and led to the large delays in releasing arrestees. (9735-9736)
Pier 57 Materials
* Pier 57 Memo of Understanding with NYPD – This is the agreement between the NYPD and the Hudson River Park Trust about the use of Pier 57 as a mass arrest holding facility during the Convention. (7476-7479)
* Pier 57 NYPD Officer Medical Reports (redacted) – These are medical reports filed by NYPD personnel complaining about exposure to hazardous substances inside Pier 57. (8587-8627)
Judge Francis's decision permitting the release of these documents is available here (PDF).
All documents are in Acrobat PDF format.
via Policing Protest: The NYPD’s Republican National Convention Documents | New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) - American Civil Liberties Union of New York State.