Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center
The Mission of the Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center is to collect, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence data regarding criminal and terrorist activity in the State of Indiana while following Fair Information Practices to ensure the rights and privacy of citizens.
Monte McKee, Executive Director
Following the events of September 11, 2001, many local, state, and federal agencies initiated efforts to improve information sharing and intelligence gathering. Throughout the nation, numerous states developed new workgroups to develop these efforts. Indiana was among these states and in 2006 created the Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center (IIFC).
Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center Executive Committee
The IIFC, a division of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, receives policy development, administrative guidance, and oversight from an Executive Committee. Committee membership includes representatives of local, state, and federal government.
* Adjutant General of Indiana
* Director of Law Enforcement for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources
* Executive Director of the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police
* Executive Director of Indiana Department of Homeland Security
* Executive Director of the Indiana Sheriff’s Association
* Indianapolis Chief of Police
* Marion County Sheriff
* Special Agent In Charge of the Indianapolis FBI Field Office
* Superintendent of the Indiana State Police
* Superintendent of the Indiana Excise Police
* U.S. Attorneys for the Northern and Southern Districts of Indiana
* Indiana Gaming Commission - Division of Gaming Agents
* Indiana Department of Correction
* Indiana Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (INCLEA)
Additional Information
* Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center Brochure (view)
* Join the LEO SIG (Law Enforcement only) (view)
via IDHS: Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center.