What is a fusion center?
A fusion center is an effective and efficient mechanism to exchange information and intelligence, maximize resources, streamline operations, and improve the ability to fight crime and terrorism by analyzing data from a variety of sources. In addition, fusion centers are a conduit for implementing portions of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan[1].
Why do we need a fusion center?
Effective terrorism-related prevention, protection, preparedness, response and recovery efforts depend on timely and accurate information about: who the enemy is, where they operate, how they are supported, the targets the enemy intends to attack, and the method of attack they intend to use. Fusion centers embody the core collaboration and as demands increase and resources decrease, fusion centers will become an effective tool to maximize available resources and build trusted relationships.
Who has access to fusion center information?
The Commonwealth Fusion Center (CFC) follows the principles and recommendations set forth in the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan, working to share relevant, unclassified information and intelligence with a wide variety of local, state and federal partners, as well as private sector partners.
What is intelligence-led policing?
Intelligence-Led Policing is the collection and analysis of information to produce an intelligence end-product designed to inform police decision-making at both the tactical and strategic levels.[2]
Strategic intelligence provides decision-makers an overview of criminal activity, groups, and threats, enabling more efficient departmental, regional and statewide policy planning and resource allocation. Tactical intelligence is used to guide operational level law enforcement regarding criminal investigations or serving more immediate needs such as officer safety. Priority intelligence requirements will be used to guide collection efforts to support this type of intelligence.
How will it support my operations at the local level?
The CFC serves as a statewide hub of information collection and analysis regarding terrorist activity and criminal threats to the Commonwealth. It has and is developing additional resources to provide secure information sharing (Homeland Security Information Network-Massachusetts) as well as information collection for the purposes of developing intelligence for CFC stakeholders. Resulting intelligence is disseminated to CFC partners in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. The CFC provides support to local agencies with access to federal information sources and restricted databases. Analytic services can also be made available to support complex criminal investigations with a possible connection to terrorism or other organized criminal activity.
How do we access the Fusion Center Resources?
Fusion Center Main Number: 978-451-3700
Fusion Center Fax: 978-451-3707
Fusion Center E-mail: fusion@pol.state.ma.us
Terrorism Tip Line: 1-888-USA-5458
When does the Fusion Center operate?
The CFC is a 24-hour a day, 7 day a week operation.
Will public safety officials have access to all Fusion Center information?
Every effort is made to ensure relevant information and intelligence is shared in a timely manner with the appropriate public and private sector partners. Access to certain information is restricted based on a need to know, right to know basis, as required by law and the national criminal intelligence standard. Active participation in the CFC is encouraged in order to facilitate information sharing, as well as to identify the information and intelligence needs of partners in the statewide homeland security community. Further questions on participation in the CFC should be referred to Major Dermot Quinn, Officer in Charge of the Commonwealth Fusion Center.
[1] Fusion Center Guidelines, http://it.ojp.gov/documents/fusion_center_guidelines_law_enforcement.pdf#search=%22fusion%20center%20guidelines%22
[2] National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan http://it.ojp.gov/documents/ncisp/National_Criminal_Intelligence_Sharing_Plan.pdf
via Frequently Asked Questions.
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